Strategy at Ministry of Works has been participatory developed, planned, translated, aligned, executed, and, most of all, appreciated by most of the staff. It has also been aligned with Bahrain Vision 2030 and all other strategic national direction. Strategy is assessed, modified, planned, translated, and aligned on annual basis, which ensure its dynamicity and fitting to the changes at the national level.
Strategy-aligned performance management at MoW has a well-documented and governed process, which is fostered and administered by a dedicated Office of Strategy Management (Strategic Planning Section), reporting directly to HE, the Minister. MoW strategy maturity level has been verified by our winning the Hall of Fame Award during 2009. We envisage that our maturity level could be illustrated by the following exhibit;
We are striving to be strategically agile, which is the ultimate level that any organization can attain, provided that the whole organization work as one integrated unit.