​​Who We Are

 Ministry of Works
The Ministry of Works provides infrastructure in accordance with the legal frameworks set out in the National Strategic Master Plan for Bahrain, outlook 2030.
The Ministry of Works is the construction arm of the government of the Kingdom of Bahrain, and has oversight in the follo​​​wing areas, in accordance with the Master Plan:  
  1. Infrastructure development consisting of the strategic planning, design, construction and maintenance of the public road network and the drainage systems for the Kingdom.
  3. Design, construction, project management and maintenance of public buildings.
Looking to the Future

The Ministry aims to provide physical infrastructure that improves the quality of life for all residents of Bahrain. This infrastructure supports national development goals by maximising the potential of the Kingdom for economic progress. This economic diversification is complemented by increased allocation of funds for community development projects and for improvement of existing infrastructure.

The Ministry is committed to constantly improving its service off​ering to the Kingdom. This objective is achieved through long-term research which addresses a range of complex technical issues that Bahrain faces in the modern world. For example, an Integrated Transport Study is underway to find long-term sustainable solutions to address vehicle saturation on Bahrain’s roads.

The Ministry is also tasked with addressing environmental issues in relation to sewerage. One of its significant achievements has been the Treated Sewerage Effluent (TSE) Project. Developments are also underway for a national storm drainage plan and sewerage plants in all Governorates.

The Ministry of Works comprises the following Directorates:  
  1. Construction Projects Directorate
  3. Roads Projects & Maintenance Directorate
  5. Roads, Planning & Design Directorate
  7. Information Technology Directorate
  9. Human Resources Directorate
  11. Building Maintenance Directorate
  13. Sanitary Engineering Planning & Projects Directorate
  15. Sanitary Engineering Operations & Maintenance Directorate
  17. Financial Resources Directorate
  19. Strategic Projects Directorate
  21. Materials Engineering Directorate
  23. Cost Engineering Directorate
  25. Public Relations & Media Directorate