Strategy Management Position
The credibility of strategy management has been verified for its content and its methodology. The verification for the content of the adopted strategy, which was formulated during 2004, has proven to have full alignment with Bahrain Vision 2030 when it was launched during 2007. This has indicated that the comprehensive strategic analysis, which was the basis for the strategy directions, was strong enough to stand out through the years. The second verification for strategy was for the in-place methodology, which was verified by the Palladium in winning the Hall of Fame Award and being recognized among the few organizations in the world for excellence in strategy planning and execution.
The position of MOW in strategy management level was ranked among the top 12% of the organization that has succeeded in executing their strategies as a result of the survey that has been conducted and analyzed by the Palladium during 2008.
Ministry of works has been featured at a number international books and articles, some of which are; More with Less by Bernard Marr and James Creelman, Harvard Press Review ( Jan-Feb 2011 issue),API, 2009 issue, etc.